The space here is a small and narrow East facing mid-terrace garden in East Finchley, London. Dividing the space it into two 'rooms' with a screen of plants helps to disguise its small size and give it a larger feel.
The climbers were present at the beginning of the project but little else (scroll to the end to see the 'Before' photo).
Since much of the ground was given to flagstones, pots were brought in so that a lush effect could be achieved and more of a feeling of being enclosed within the planting.
Wood offcuts were also brought in to soften the concrete flagstones and provide a more organic feel.
The 'room' at the back is the shadier and has a jungle feel helped by several Tree Ferns and the very large foliage of Tetrapanax papyrifer 'T-Rex'.
Leading into this is a more floriferous corridor with Lilies, Crocosmia, Sedum, Cardoon.
A selection of foliage plants are included for their 'zing' and to keep the garden feeling bright and a little tropical even outside of the flower season - the Hakonechloa 'All Gold', Carex 'Everillo' and Sambucus 'Lemony Lace' you see.
When sitting in the egg chair ones feels cocooned by planting on all four sides.