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'Of Coldfall Origin'

This East-facing garden in East Finchley is rather special since the rear half of the garden has been left as is and retains a part of nearby Coldfall Wood, one of 4 ancient woodlands remaining within Haringey borough.


Any new planting in the front half of the garden around the central lawn felt as though it should stay sympathetic to this natural woodland feel.  Ferns and grasses were brought in to support this aim and existing Hellebores and Roses have been bulked up on to strengthen their contribution.

Existing colour was heavily reliant on the pink Geranium Cranesbill that had gradually spread and was now dominating the garden.  This was strategically thinned out and new colour bearing species brought in, such as Crocosmia, Geum, Campanula Brunnera mac., Persicaria amp., Veronicastrum.

Vinca major had also spread widely and made a nuisance of itself over time so this was also much thinned out and broken up with clusters of Carex oshimensis 'Everillo' and Carex 'Ice Dance', chosen for their bright yellowy hue and dry shade tolerance respectively.

Additionally, a rock garden area was replanted with bright yet shade tolerant species and a new pond created, which is now populated with toads and other wildlife.


This garden is a really lovely example of how a garden can be transformed with planting alone and with zero change to the landscape.


Following the initial planting design input, it has been a great privilege to provide regular garden maintenance for this garden in East Finchley, North London.

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